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This ?6 inch?152mm Stainless Steel Mecanum wheel left should be work with other 3 Mecanum wheels(1left,2right). Each wheel is comprised of 8 rollers,these rollers have an axis of rotation at 45° to the plat of the wheel in a plane parallel to the axis of rotation of the wheel. The wheel is a heavy duty wheel itself,they are sold in assembled units with two thick stainless steel plates. The rollers are made of black rubber,the stainless steel body mecanum wheels of load capacity is higher than aluminum mecanum wheel.
This ?6 inch?152mm Stainless Steel Mecanum wheel left should be work with other 3 Mecanum wheels(1left,2right). Each wheel is comprised of 8 rollers,these rollers have an axis of rotation at 45° to the plat of the wheel in a plane parallel to the axis of rotation of the wheel. The wheel is a heavy duty wheel itself,they are sold in assembled units with two thick stainless steel plates. The rollers are made of black rubber,the stainless steel body mecanum wheels of load capacity is higher than aluminum mecanum wheel.
Specifications • Diameter: 152mm ?6 inch) • Width: 89mm • Number of Rollers: 8 • Number of Plates: 2 • Body material: Stainless steel • Roller material: Rubber • Spacer material: Aluminum • Length of roller: 77mm • Net weight: 2,3kg • Load capacity: 50kg
SprayPay voert voor ons het volledige proces uit voor het gespreid betalen. Gespreid betalen is mogelijk vanaf een aankoopbedrag van € 250,00 tot maar liefst € 3.500,00.
Tijdens de aanvraag kan je kiezen in hoeveel termijnen je het aankoopbedrag wil terugbetalen. De keuze bestaat uit: 12,18,24 of 36 maanden. Het rente percentage is afhankelijk van de looptijd maar dit varieert tussen de 11.9% en 14%.
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